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über eure Kursleitung

M.Sc. Psych. Julia Gaianigo

Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Hypnotherapeutin (M.E.G.)

und zertifizierte HypnoBirthing Kursleiterin

Meine Geschichte

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+49 (0) 175 456

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Birth preparation

I can help you feel more confident and prepared for the birth by providing information about the different stages of labor, possible interventions, and pain management techniques. We can also work together to create a birth plan that reflects your preferences and needs.

birth companionship

During labor and childbirth, I will be a constant presence, providing emotional support, physical comfort measures, and guidance. I will help you and your partner navigate the birth process and advocate for your needs and preferences.

postpartum support

After the birth, I can provide support and information on newborn care, including feeding, sleep, and basic care. I can also provide emotional support and help you adjust to your new role as a parent. I offer lactation support and can help with breastfeeding if needed.

Image by Toa Heftiba
person in black long sleeve shirt holdin
Image by Kelly Sikkema
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